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PhilosophyKeep it simple.

It is remarkable what people can accomplish if you just ask! By providing your team with a few simple pieces of information: the knowledge of what is needed and expected and why; the tools to complete the task; the authority to proceed, and; the knowledge that perfection is not always obtainable. Your team can and will consistently bring home the gold.  This happens provided that you do one thing: ask.
There is always enough time. So often time becomes an issue. It is not really the time that is the issue but it is the perception. Time is fixed. We cannot change the amount of time in each day.  We can only impact the resources, people and tools brought to the table. Plan for and establish expectations accordingly.
Knowledge is key! Allow everyone to learn; it is not enough to simply encourage your team to expand their knowledge. They must be encouraged to take the opportunity to understand what they do and how they impact the environment (results) for themselves and the team around them.

The greatest impact is achieved through evolution, not revolution. That is not to say that revolution is not sometimes required, but that when change is controlled and the small improvements are added over time, big results are produced. When revolution is necessary expect that it will not be perfection but realize that subsequent evolutionary change (adjustment) will lead to the desired results.

The buffalo herd analogy: ... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. When the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. 

This analogy can be applied to every process and task confronting the team every day. It is the evolution of change that supports the continuous improvement (evolution) needed to stay ahead of the competition and to provide the return to investors or members. Strive to improve daily.
When immediate change (revolution) is required, return to an evolutionary environment as quickly as possible. It makes things more comfortable and allows all to improve daily.
Team Building – the ratchet effect. Staff selection or team building as it is often called is also an evolutionary process. Selection is not simply identifying and hiring the best candidate. It is ongoing.  As the strong out pace the weak, we must endeavor to identify the weak and bring them back into the herd through training and education. As attrition and weeding of the weak takes place, the team’s overall skill level and ability is improved. Our next selection must recognize this. The bar has been raised and we must select candidates that on average are better than the average of the incumbent team. If we have done our job well, we will have established a new “weakest link”. The team member that was just ahead of the weakest member is now at the back of the herd. And so the cycle continues, each time resulting in a stronger more knowledgeable team. Each cycle a step up the ratchet.